Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

  • Publication can lead to painful stings, which can have serious health implications for some children. Fire ants can also invade classrooms and damage lights and other electrical equipment. (5 pages)....
  • Publication
    This publication discusses silverfish and firebrats and the proper control to rid them of your home. Significant damage occurs only if there is a large population present for a long...
  • Publication
    ...range of host plants, but the ones that are considered pests may feed on and damage many vegetable and field crops, greenhouse and nursery crops, and house plants. (8 pages)....
  • Publication
    The visible symptoms of anthracnose on turf are variable. Typically, it is recognized by damaged turf in a pattern of dots, circles, or irregularly shaped patches-ranging in size from several...
  • Publication
    Many homeowners have experienced turf loss in Spring 2023. The recent statewide turf damage is likely related to adverse weather conditions in 2022. This factsheet discusses causes of turf loss,...
  • Publication
    ...landscapes. They can cause substantial economic losses due to the damage they inflict and their ability to carry and transmit plant viruses. This factsheet covers the identification and management of...
  • Publication
    ...disguise, presents a unique challenge and threat to your hard work, as its deceptive nature can lead to misidentification, delayed action, and ultimately, irreversible damage to your precious vines. Based...
  • Program indicators such as blood glucose. Education is an integral component in managing the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension in Texas. People with diabetes who maintain their blood glucose, cholesterol,...
    diabetes testing supplies on a table
  • Project
    What is poultry? Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are just a few examples of poultry. This project teaches members production and marketing by managing projects....
    Teen showing a chicken at a livestock show
  • Course
    Intentional teaching means carefully planning activities and experiences. Explore classroom organization and managing a classroom. Strategies to develop routines, encourage independence and enhance learning are discussed, as well as the...