Search results for: “managing opossum damage”
- PublicationCotton breeding and genetic modifications have made substantial progress in improving the crop's yield, quality, and ease of management. These improvements have also increased the cost of seeds. This publication...
- PublicationThis publication provides detailed information about residing, farming, and ranching in bear country and how to minimize human-bear conflict. This article will identify common attractants and potential deterrents that people...
- PublicationThis publication gives an overview of Texas water law and the regulations governing groundwater conservation districts. The powers and responsibilities of districts are summarized. Color maps show the coverage of:...
- PublicationProducers can successfully manage many health problems in beef cattle if they detect them and take steps early. This publication explains common problems found in beef cattle, their probable causes,...
- PublicationBefore trying to alter and improve milk fat and protein production of a dairy herd, it is important to evaluate the herd's potential to respond to feed management changes. This...
- PublicationFeeding strategies that optimize rumen function also maximize milk production and milk component percentages and yield. This publication offers guidelines for feeding forage, grain protein and ration fiber to enhance...
- PublicationFeed additives play an essential role in enhancing the production and yield of milk and milk components. Producers should, however, evaluate the cost-to-benefit ratio of each feed additive in their...
- PublicationSnares are traps that can be used to capture coyotes. The habits of coyotes are discussed in this publication, as well as what equipment is needed for snaring, where to...
- PublicationExcessive numbers of pigeons in cities, suburbs, or parks can create a nuisance and a health threat. Control methods include roost elimination, noise-making devices, traps, poisons, and shooting. (2 pages)...
- PublicationNutritional management is complicated by changing forage quality and quantity. This publication discusses forage quality trends in various regions of Texas, tools to analyze the nutritional environment of cattle and...