Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- PublicationThis publication explains how owners of private water wells can protect their well equipment and water supply when the groundwater level is low. (2 pp.)...
- PublicationThis publication explains how owners of private water wells can protect their well equipment and water supply when the groundwater level is low. (2 pages)...
- PublicationThis publication outlines the steps that ranchers should take to survive a drought. Those steps include developing a plan for each enterprise of the operation, ranking strategic ranch goals, planning...
- Course...Mitigation Strategies During Drought Economic Management Strategies to Minimize Drought Impact Course Outline Module 1: What is a Drought Management Plan? Learn what it takes to create a drought management...
- Publication...characteristics that help them better tolerate drought. This publication explains how plants respond to drought so that homeowners and ranchers can protect their plants during extended dry periods. (4 pages)...
- PublicationDrought is a fact of life on most rangelands. This publication offers tips on reducing the risks associated with drought, such as using light to moderate stocking rates, maintaining as...
- PublicationPeriods of dry weather are part of life for range livestock operations. This publication explains how to use historical rainfall patterns to plan for drought before it occurs. Topics include...
- PublicationThis publication explains how stocking rates and grazing management decisions can help a ranch survive a drought. To deal with drought, a rancher must monitor forage supply and demand; use...
- PublicationSummer drought can make dust control in feed yards more challenging than usual. Supplemental water may not keep pace with daily evaporation. The key to dust control is managing the...
- PublicationLivestock producers need to create flexible plans for dealing with drought. This publication explains the steps that should be included in such a plan, including taking a forage inventory, using...