Ecology and Management of Creosotebush
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- December 7, 2021
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- See Agrilife Learn
Creosotebush, also called greasewood, is an evergreen shrub that is abundant and widespread in the deserts of the southwestern USA and northern Mexico. This publication describes the plant's physical attributes and cultural uses as well as its value to livestock and wildlife. As well, creosote bush competes with desirable forage for moisture and nutrients, so chemical, mechanical, and prescribed burning are explained as management strategies.
More choices in Weed Control
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This course is designed for landowners and pesticide applicators who are looking for aquatic vegetation management techniques or CEUs. During this course, you will learn why aquatic vegetation is problematic, how to manage it, prevention methods, and effective forms of control and mode of action.
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This online course is designed for landowners and pesticide applicators who are looking for techniques to control pond algae and floating aquatic plants, commonly known as pond weeds or pond grass. This course offers 1 hour of IPM CEU credit.
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Turfgrasses are vital to landscapes, athletic fields, and golf courses; they enhance our quality of life.
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This four-course aquatic vegetation series provides landowners and pesticide applicators biological information for submerged, algae, floating, and emergent species of problematic aquatic plants found in Texas.
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Soil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’ power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds in the soil. This publication explains how home gardeners and crop producers can solarize their soil to significantly reduce weeds long and short term. Also outlined are the results of two research trials to […]
- Publication
This publication outlines the primary weed pests of spinach, integrated weed management strategies, and recent research findings as they influence current best practices for controlling weeds in spinach.