Plants & Crops

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offers a wide variety of programs, brochures, field days and one-pagers to help Texans with agricultural crop production, whether that is a food crop or specialty crop. Experts can be located across the state to advise on plant needs and best management practices.

Related Departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Entomology

Cotton harvesting machine in field of cotton

Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Lab

The Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory is part of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and The Texas A&M University System.
Man shoveling soil into bucket

Learn About
Plants & Crops



This publication explains how to grow leafy greens such as spinach in Texas. Topics include: site selection, soil preparation, fertilizing, varieties, planting, care during the season, diseases, insects, and harvesting. (3 Pages)


Esta publicación de cinco páginas explica cómo cultivar, mantener y cosechar verduras de hojas verdes como las espinacas en Texas.


Squash is a prolific garden vegetable in all areas of Texas. This publication lists recommended varieties of zucchini and yellow, acorn, butternut, and scallop squash. It also offers tips on: site selection, soil preparation, planting, fertilization, watering, care during the season, disease and insect control. (3 Pages)


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

The course is a four-day course designed for turf professionals and enthusiasts looking to expand their knowledge of turfgrass systems and best management practices.


The Plant Pathology (PLPM) Extension program provides services across Texas through subject-matter specialists in areas of plant health management, plant diseases, plant-microbe interactions and environmental sciences.



Do you want to restore native plants? Are you curious about when to plant and how to maintain it? This online course will discuss how land managers can select, plant, and maintain native plants and when to plant them.


Once you finish this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion shows that you have completed the course, but does not qualify for continuing education credit, or CEU. A separate version of this course will be made available for CEU credit. Once the CEU version of the course is available, a link will be added here.

This course is intended for park and public works professionals, hourly workers, and volunteers.


Once you finish this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion shows that you have completed the course, but does not qualify for continuing education credit, or CEU. A separate version of this course will be made available for CEU credit. Once the CEU version of the course is available, a link will be added here.

This course is intended for professional turfgrass parks and recreation managers, sports field managers, or landscaping specialists.

Red River Crops Conference

Planning for success – Crop production information designed for Southwest Oklahoma and the Texas Rolling Plains.

All Resources on Plants & Crops

  • Publication

    This publication explains how to grow leafy greens such as spinach in Texas. Topics include: site selection, soil preparation, fertilizing, varieties, planting, care during the season, diseases, insects, and harvesting. (3 Pages)

  • Publication

    Esta publicación de cinco páginas explica cómo cultivar, mantener y cosechar verduras de hojas verdes como las espinacas en Texas.

  • Publication

    Squash is a prolific garden vegetable in all areas of Texas. This publication lists recommended varieties of zucchini and yellow, acorn, butternut, and scallop squash. It also offers tips on: site selection, soil preparation, planting, fertilization, watering, care during the season, disease and insect control. (3 Pages)

  • Publication

    Esta publicación enumera las variedades recomendadas de calabacín y calabaza amarilla, bellota, nuez y vieira.

  • Publication

    This publication gives basic cultural information on growing radishes, a cool-season crop. Topics include: site selection, soil preparation and fertilizing, varieties, planting, care during the season, harvesting, insects, diseases, and cleanup. (3 Pages)

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