Support AgriLife Extension

Learn how you can help AgriLife Extension grow a better future for all Texans.

Boy leading a cow in the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show

A legacy of service

With programs in every county, we continue the work of our land-grant beginnings—to make Texas better for individuals, families, businesses and communities through education and service. By supporting our mission to improve agriculture, natural resources, youth and health across the state, your gift can make a positive impact on Texans for generations.

Girl watering plants in a garden

Help Grow Good Kids

The Junior Master Gardener program is currently present in schools across Texas, in every state in the country and quickly expanding around the world. Inspired by the vibrant Texas Master Gardener program, the program helps children get involved in exploring their world through meaningful activities that encourage leadership development, personal pride, responsibility and community involvement.

close view of a man in a tractor

Empower veterans through agriculture

AgriLife Extension serves and supports Texas veterans through agricultural education and other specialized programs, such as Texas AgrAbility and Battleground to Breaking Ground.

mailbox with a Texas flag painted on it

Strengthen opportunities close to home

Your gift can support programs that are close to your heart, right in your own community. Our development officer can help you identify opportunities to give back that are tailored to your county.

Hands in a garden cupping a soil sample

Planned Giving

Planned gifts offer a perfect solution if you wish to make a commitment today to change lives tomorrow. This alternative to cash giving offers you the financial freedom to support your agriculture and life sciences passions. Planned gifts are easy to make, and many offer advantages such as reducing tax liability and supporting loved ones with income payments for their lives.

about the Texas A&M Foundation

The Texas A&M Foundation builds a brighter future for Texas A&M University, one relationship at a time.

As a nonprofit and the primary academic fundraising institution for Texas A&M, we aspire to be among the most trusted philanthropies in higher education. Our team works with former students, corporations and other Texas A&M supporters to match their charitable interests with the university’s priorities.

Gifts create scholarships, advance faculty endeavors, enhance student programs and fund campus construction, greatly enhancing Texas A&M’s mission to provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs and develop new understandings through research and creativity.


Brandy Kines

  • Director of Development
Phone: (979) 431-4133