Search results for: “Aphids on Cruciferous Crops”

  • Publication
    Aphids often called "plant lice" can be a problem in Texas landscapes by feeding on agricultural and horticultural crops. This publication discusses the identification and lifecycle, damage to plants, common...
  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Sampling Protocol and Quick Aphid Checker charts and photos on this...
  • Publication
    Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects. Their feeding habits can lead to stunted plant growth, deformed and discolored leaves, and the production of galls on leaves, stems, or roots. Aphids are...
  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Grain Sorghum Action Threshold charts and photos on this laminated card...
  • Publication
    Two-spotted spider mites are commonly found infesting many plants and crops, having been recorded on over 300 plant species. They feed on the undersides of leaves and can cause discoloration...
  • Publication
    This publication explains integrated pest management (IPM) practices for 30 insect pests of five Texas forage crops’ hay, forage sorghum, alfalfa, clover, and vetch. (31 pages)...
  • Publication
    High tunnel cropland is prime real estate, so be selective about which crops to grow. You can grow a variety of fruits, vegetables, and flowers in high tunnels to meet...
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    Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are known as cole crops. This publication offers information on how to grow them, with tips on site selection, soil preparation, fertilization, variety selection,...
  • Publication
    ...season. This publication helps producers determine which alternative crop is the best choice. Details are provided on soybeans, various types of peas, alyce clover, sorghum, and other crops. (6 pages)...
  • Publication
    Aphids damage cotton by sucking sap from plants, stunting plant growth and yield, and fouling leaves and bolls with honeydew, all of which translates into economic loss for cotton producers....