Search results for: “Aphids on Cruciferous Crops”

  • Course
    ...allopolyploid species. The final section of the class will discuss how autopolyploidy in specific crops affects genetics and breeding strategies. This course will be taught as three lecture hours per...
  • Publication
    The marketing time frame for crops can be divided into three parts (pre-harvest, harvest, and post-harvest.) This publication focuses on the more common post-harvest marketing strategies using forward contracts, storage,...
  • Publication
    Wheat and other small grains such as rye, barley, oats, and triticale have long been primary crops grown in the Southern Ogallala Region. This publication evaluates the small grains industry...
  • Publication
    Seawater flooding caused by hurricanes can devastate home gardens and commercial crops. This publication explains what gardeners and farmers can do to minimize the damage before and after a storm....
  • Publication
    ...soil preparation, fertilization, planting techniques, watering, pest control, and harvesting. Tables show the light requirements and maturity rates of vegetable crops, as well as solutions to common problems. (11 Pages)...
  • Publication
    If your spring garden was successful, the same location should work well in the fall. When planning a new garden, keep in mind that vegetable crops must have at least...
  • Publication
    Planting techniques for native seeds differ from those used for conventional agricultural crops. This publication explains the proper planting rate, conditions, equipment, and planting methods for native plants. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    Cantaloupes and honeydew melons are vining crops that are grown during the warm season of Texas. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of cantaloupe and honeydew melon plants and...
  • Publication
    ...form of nitrogen can improve crop production. This publication reports the results of research on bermudagrass, rice, and various vegetable crops. Application methods and calcium rates are discussed. (4 PAGES)...
  • Publication
    This publication discusses the types of tilling systems and the conditions for using each in South and Central Texas. Reduced or conservation tillage can benefit sorghum crops and increase profit....