Aquatic Vegetation Management Basics

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course is designed for landowners and pesticide applicators who are looking for aquatic vegetation management techniques or CEUs. During this course, you will learn why aquatic vegetation is problematic, how to manage it, prevention methods, and effective forms of control and mode of action.

Course Information

This online course is designed for landowners and pesticide applicators who are looking for aquatic vegetation management techniques or Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). During this course, you will learn why aquatic vegetation is problematic, how to manage it, prevention methods, and effective forms of control and mode of action. This course is 1.5 hours long and offers 1 Integrated Pest Management CEU.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • recognize how aquatic vegetation becomes so problematic
  • explain the need to manage aquatic vegetation
  • identify practices to prevent aquatic vegetation establishment
  • identify effective control options
  • describe modes of action and application techniques for aquatically labeled active ingredients
  • discover resources available for aquatic vegetation management needs

Applicator recertification requirements:

  • Commercial/Noncommercial Applicators: Section 7.24 (t)(2) of the Texas Pesticide Laws and Regulations relating to commercial/noncommercial applicator recertification states 'A commercial or noncommercial applicator may not recertify their license using department-approved correspondence activities for two consecutive years.'

  • Private Applicators: Section 7.24 (v)(5) of the Texas Pesticide Laws and Regulations relating to private applicator recertification states 'A private applicator may not obtain more than 10 CEUs through correspondence activities in any five-year recertification cycle.'

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