Indoor Flies and Their Control
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Most homes and businesses eventually experience problems with indoor flies. Though relatively few kinds of flies can breed and complete their life cycles inside a structure, each indoor fly species is unique. For that reason, it's important to correctly identify the type of fly in your home in order to control it.
Flies are one of the largest groups of insects. Unlike most other winged insects, which have four wings, flies have only two. This difference distinguishes them from nearly all other insect orders. (7 pages)
More choices in Insects, Pests & Diseases
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This 1-page publication contains three color photographs to aid in diagnosing Sorghum ergot.
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This 4-page publication covers the prevention, symptoms, and management of the disease.
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This 3-page publication outlines the symptoms of the disease, practices for avoiding it, and recommendations for treating the problem when it occurs in the landscape.
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Ball moss is a bromeliad that grows on trees. It is not a parasite and does not take nutrients from trees. It can be controlled, if desired, by mechanical removal or by applying fungicides that contain copper. (2 Pages)
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Plum pox virus is a highly destructive disease that affects peaches, plums, and apricots.
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The 3-page publication describes the disease cycle and recommends cultural practices to control and treat the disease.