Introduction to Climate Science

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This introductory course covers climate terminology, natural climate factors, how human activity can influence weather and climate, measurement and interpretation of recent climate trends, and climate projections. After completing this course, you should be better prepared to process and interpret climate information.

Course Information

Introduction to Climate Science for Youth will introduce students in 5th grade and up to basic climate science knowledge. The course consists of five interactive modules covering Earth's atmosphere and what it provides to humans.

Once you finish this course, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the types of gases in the Earth's atmosphere, along with what layers it is made up of.
  2. Describe the Greenhouse Effect.
  3. Recognize the unique characteristics of climate versus weather.
  4. Identify natural and anthropogenic forcing factors.
  5. Express what climate feedback is while identifying its mechanisms.

After completing the course, you should have a better understanding of climate terminology and be better prepared to process and interpret climate information as it is discussed in the literature and in the media.

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