Brush Busters Cost Calculator

Tools and Apps
man applying pesticide to brush


Brush Busters Cost Calculator is designed to take the guesswork out of estimating the cost in applying herbicides for brush control.


Megan Clayton
Professor & Extension Range Specialist

Brush Busters Cost Calculator is designed to take the guesswork out of estimating the cost in applying herbicides for brush control, whether conducting individual plant treatments with a foliar application stem/basal application, or the cut stump application. Although the accuracy of estimates are dependent on reliable, entered values, this tool can assist in making land management decisions.
Simply select the application method (leaf spray or stem spray/cut stump), enter herbicide information (name, cost per gallon, application rate, e.g. 1% spray volume per plant, oz), surfactant information (cost/gallon, application rate, e.g. 0.25%), labor costs ($/hour, number of workers), and plant density (plants/acre) and tap 'Calculate'. Name the projects if you would like to access them again later.

This software application is brought to you by Extension Range Specialists with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

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