Farm Bill Decision Aid Tool

Tools and Apps


Texas A&M University’s Agricultural and Food Policy Center located within the Department of Agricultural Economics and the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri teamed up to develop the tool.

The tool provides information about:

  • the decisions each producer and/or landowner must make
  • when the different sign-up windows are for each program decision
  • basic information regarding the decision and the factors that should be taken into consideration such as future commodity prices, cropping patterns and historical yields
  • information that is needed to utilize the Decision Aid Tool and where to find it
  • how producers and landowners can input their own data into the Decision Aid Tool and how to interpret the results
  • an additional component that assists users with evaluating needed crop insurance changes that may result from their farm program sign-up decisions

The Texas A&M Decision Aid Tool was one of two efforts funded nationally by the United States Department of Agriculture to assist producers and landowners with their sign-up decisions. Thus far, over 10,000 users from nearly every state have utilized the Decision Aid Tool to assist with their sign-up decisions. The tool is accessible from all common computer browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari) and on tablets and smart phones. The AFPC also maintains a helpdesk that can be reached toll free at (844-229-7373) from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. central time Monday through Friday to assist users with their individual questions.


Joe Outlaw

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