Farm Policy Minute
- Type
- Podcast
More choices in Ag Law, Taxes & Insurance
The Texas Ag Law Blog’s goal is to keep you up to date on various legal issues impacting Texas agriculture.
- Program
The Master Marketer program is a 64-hour intensive marketing education course during which agricultural producers, ag lenders, and others are trained in marketing techniques, marketing plans, technical analysis, futures and options, and many other marketing related skills.
- Program
The Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) conducts analyses of the impacts of government policy proposals and/or implementation procedures on farmers, agribusinesses, taxpayers, and consumers.
- Tools and Apps
Texas A&M University’s Agricultural and Food Policy Center located within the Department of Agricultural Economics and the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri teamed up to develop the tool. The tool provides information about: the decisions each producer and/or landowner must make when the different sign-up windows are for […]
- Program
The Bennett Land Stewardship program funds conferences about land management in the Edwards Plateau, covering issues such as brush control, water management and estate planning.