Irrigation Technology Program
- Type
- Program
Guy Fipps
Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer
207B Scoates Hall
College Station, TX 77840
8-5, Monday-Friday
The Irrigation Technology project connects both researchers and consumers to specialized programs and resources that promote efficient irrigation practices and water conservation. These resources include projects, education and licensing courses, irrigation literature and news releases, testing services, and efficient irrigation practices for homeowners.
More choices in Environment & Natural Resources
- Publication
Smutgrass is a warm-season, non-native perennial weed that plagues many pastures and rangelands, preventing the growth of more desirable forage and grasses. This publication discusses various methods of smutgrass management, including herbicidal application. (2 pages)
- Publication
Proper application of pesticides and fertilizers with boom sprayers and boomless sprayers is possible only with accurately calibrated equipment. This publication explains how to calibrate sprayers. (2 pages)
- Course
Do you want to continue your professional career in wastewater management? This online wastewater course is the first in a series developed to address challenges facing the onsite wastewater industry in Texas.
- Publication
Esta publicacion enumera las agencias y otras organizaciones que pueden ayudar a localizar mascotas y ganado perdidos, ayudar con la eliminacion de cadaveres, proporcionar alimentos para animales y ayudar de otras maneras despues de un desastre. Hay numeros de telefono y direcciones web para cada organizacion. (2 paginas)
- Publication
La corrosion es uno de los problemas mas comunes que afectan los suministros de agua domesticos. Esta publicacion describe las causas, los tipos de danos, los efectos sobre la salud y los metodos para resolver los problemas de corrosion por agua. (5 Paginas)
- Course
This self-paced course provides a complete guide to center pivot irrigation systems and covers important details on their selection, operation, and management. All data and specifications are in both US customary units (or English unites) and metric units (or S.I. units), as is typical of center pivots outside of the United States. Test your knowledge of the material in each section through interactive quizzes.