TexasET Evapotranspiration Network

Tools and Apps


TexasET provides daily reference and weather data from special weather stations and has online tools for use of this data in irrigation scheduling.


Guy Fipps

Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer 


207 B Scoates
College Station, TX 77840

This website provides daily reference and weather data from a network of special weather stations and has on-line tools for use of this data for irrigation scheduling. This information is used for irrigation water management in agriculture and urban areas. Use of ET for irrigation water management significantly reduces water waste in irrigation and is recognized as an important water conservation practice. In addition to irrigation management, these data are used widely for a variety of purposes including water planning, wastewater application permits, and environmental management.

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  • Course

    This course aims to help beef cattle producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is linked with the production of livestock. These contaminations may also pose a health risk to Texas citizens.

  • Publication

    If your home or business uses a septic system, you need to know how to use and maintain it properly to prevent sewage from backing up into your house and contaminating groundwater, including your water well.

  • Course

    This course will inform participants about riparian and watershed processes, the benefits that healthy riparian areas provide, and the tools that prevent and/or resolve degradation and improve water quality.

  • Course

    An aerobic septic system, or aerobic treatment unit (ATU), uses oxygen to breakdown both dissolved and solid constituents into gases, cell mass, and non-degradable material contained in wastewater. This online course will teach you how to properly maintain and operate your ATU. You will have 30 days from the day you register to complete this program. If you do not complete the program within this limit, your registration will expire, and you will need to pay the registration fees again to start over.

  • Course

    Learn the basic science of electricity and how to safely and accurately troubleshoot common electronic components of irrigation systems. This course provides 8 hours of continuing education units for Texas Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, and others who self-report.

  • Course

    The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) online program is a statewide educational program designed to improve the quality of Texas’ water resources by educating and informing local stakeholders about their watershed, potential impairments, and steps that can be taken to help improve and protect water quality in their watershed.