Agrilife Extension Resources
We have lawn and garden resources for everyone from the hobby gardener to the athletic field turfgrass manager. County-based AgriLife Extension horticulturists and statewide specialists share their expertise through workshops, webinars and online information to assist those Texans with, and without, a green thumb.
Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Entomology, Agricultural Economics

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The Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for residential landscapes.
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NCPN-Roses is a network of scientists, educators, state and federal regulators that act together to ensure that rose budwood and rootstock is clean and available.
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Preserving the Harvest is a program series that teaches ways to preserve foods with tested recipes and research-based methods, using “hands-on” activities to practice preservation skills.
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Texas Superstar plants are specially recognized for superior performance in tough growing conditions in Texas.
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Aggie Horticulture provides gardening and horticultural crop production factsheets, guides and databases.
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Earth-Kind® Landscaping uses research-proven techniques to provide maximum garden and landscape enjoyment while preserving and protecting the environment.
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The Junior Master Gardener program, JMG, is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network.
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Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! is the research-based, evidence-based curriculum project of the International Junior Master Gardener® Program.
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The Texas Master Gardener program trains and supports a network of volunteers to provide horticultural-related information within their communities.
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The CityBugs program provides timely and accurate information about integrated pest management in urban environments.