Search results for: “food safety”

  • Course
    Course Information This session will explore the topic of using car seats in smaller vehicles. Some vehicles just aren’t suited for car seat use, while other times we can make...
  • Course
    ...seasonal personnel) or in the supervision thereof must receive training in the principles of animal food hygiene and animal food safety, including the importance of employee health and personal hygiene,...
  • Publication
    This course book contains study material to help certified food managers (CFM) in the food-service industry learn about food safety principles and practices. It includes a study guide to help...
  • ...for Americans recommend choosing a variety of nutrient-dense foods from all food groups, which are vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy products. Consuming a variety of foods from different food...
    hands cutting up a red pepper
  • Publication
    ...the refrigerator In the kitchen Cooking Serving Leftovers Food safety is a shared responsibility. Following these guidelines, you will be able to store, handle, and prepare food safely. (2 pages)...
  • ...provide healthy recipes for Texans and increase self-efficacy in meal planning, healthy cooking techniques, and food safety. The program consists of in-person and virtual cooking school demonstrations and a web-based...
  • Program
    ...Home canning, freezing, and drying continues to be popular methods of preserving foods at home. Reasons for preserving food include having control over the ingredients in one’s food, becoming more...
    jars of homemade preserves