Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

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    ...not have a ‘fly free’ date like many Northern U.S. states. However, other small grains such as barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) might be less prone to damage by Hessian fly....
  • Publication
    White grubs are the larval stage of insects commonly known as May or June beetles. A few species commonly damage turfgrass and other cultivated plants. This publication includes biological and...
  • Publication
    Earwigs are abundant throughout Texas and can be a nuisance when they invade homes or damage plants. This publication explains the biology and habits of earwigs and offers three ways...
  • Publication
    Drywood termites feed on wood and damage homes and other structures throughout the southern portion of the United States. Evidence of infestation includes swarming termites inside a home and the...
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    Subterranean termites are the most destructive pests of wood in the United States. This publication explains the distribution, identification, biology, and habits of subterranean termites. It also describes the damage...
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    Several kinds of beetles damage stored wood, structural timbers, and other wood products. This publication explains how to detect, identify, prevent and control powder post beetle, old house borer, and...
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    This publication shows how homeowners can minimize damage from carpenter ants. It explains how to identify the ants, recognize their nest site preferences, and take proper preventive and control measures....
  • Publication
    The fall webworm is a common pest of trees and shrubs. This insect produces unsightly webs, and repeated infestations can damage plants. Control methods are most successful when one understands...
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    Tawny crazy ants are expanding their range in Texas. They are an extreme nuisance as they nest in structures, damage and destroy electrical equipment, infest hay bales, destroy honeybee colonies,...
  • Publication
    ...beetles) False wireworms (darkling beetles) The life cycles of wireworms The damage wireworms cause How to manage infestations through cultural management Biological control Scouting Chemical control Action thresholds (2 pages)...