Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

  • Publication
    ...growing site, plant spacing details, irrigation and fertilization needs, training and pruning requirements, and how to protect olives from freeze damage. Information on how to control pests including weeds, insects,...
  • Publication
    If the leaves on your vegetable plants are twisted or curled, the problem could be environmental, chemical, or biological. This publication outlines five primary causes of damage to vegetable plants...
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    Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases of roses grown in greenhouses and in the field. Once infected, it can inflict immense damage and completely defoliate a rose...
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    Citrus canker can cause severe damage to all citrus cultivars and some citrus relatives. Although not a risk to human or animal health, the disease makes fruit unsightly and unmarketable....
  • Publication
    Coyotes cause millions of dollars of damage yearly to livestock and crops in Texas. The leaflet explains coyote habits and the types of trap set, such as scent posts, dirt...
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    The small English or house sparrow is common in urban and suburban areas. Their droppings kill vegetation and damage car finishes. They also carry diseases, parasites, and insects. This publication...
  • Publication can lead to painful stings, which can have serious health implications for some children. Fire ants can also invade classrooms and damage lights and other electrical equipment. (5 pages)....
  • Publication
    This publication discusses silverfish and firebrats and the proper control to rid them of your home. Significant damage occurs only if there is a large population present for a long...
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    ...range of host plants, but the ones that are considered pests may feed on and damage many vegetable and field crops, greenhouse and nursery crops, and house plants. (8 pages)....
  • Publication
    Grapevine pests and diseases can cause significant damage and crop loss, and the signs and symptoms of these ailments can be hard to recognize. This publication describes several pests and...