Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

  • Course
    Course Information Living with diabetes can seem frustrating and can often lead to feeling confused about what foods one can eat. Being successful in managing diabetes starts with knowing the...
  • Publication
    This book outlines the challenges and risks and covers everything one needs to know for managing a successful vineyard including site selection, choosing appropriate rootstock and varieties, horticulture, pruning, canopy...
  • Publication
    The most important practice for managing Chronic Wasting Disease is to prevent the movement of prions (which cause CWD) to new areas. This 2-page publication outlines the preferred on-site and...
  • Publication
    Native plant restoration is an increasingly popular practice for managing land for both wildlife and livestock. Although commercial native seeds may be limited at times, commercial seeds of more species...
  • Publication
    ...and Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The proper diagnosis of the disease is the first necessary step to managing it. This article will provide information on the diagnosis of...
  • Course
    ...will learn about important topics related to managing the broodmare and foal. Content is developed and presented by industry experts. You will learn about the foaling process including predicting and...
  • Publication
    Diseases of soybeans are managed through the use of resistant varieties, fungicides, and crop rotation. Crop rotation is most useful for managing foliar diseases caused by fungi, but will not...
  • Publication
    Put options are a pricing tool with considerable flexibility for managing price risk. This publication discusses: Put option basics How put options work How to use put options...
  • Publication
    Livestock grazing can be an effective tool in managing wildlife habitats. This publication explains how grazing affects various wildlife species such as white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, and turkeys, and how...
  • Publication
    Managing noxious brush and weed species using herbicides can improve forage availability and enhance ranch profitability by increasing the livestock carrying capacity of native pastures. This publication takes 3 typical...