Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Project
    ...these areas do not offer 4-H barns for livestock projects. The 4-H Rabbit Project is perfect for these families! 4-H members can raise rabbits in any home environment, even apartments....
    Rabbits in a hutch
  • ...long project, but many 4-H members do citizenship activities throughout their 4-H career by participating in One Day 4-H, National 4-H Week, serving in their local community government or with...
    4-H leader talking to younger kids in a garden
  • ...provide scholarship opportunities for 4-H members to attend a Texas college or university to pursue a broad range of academic majors. Texas 4-H Youth Development has a proud history of...
    four 4-h members talking outside
  • Project
    Explore the universe and see what the galaxy has to offer through the 4-H rocketry and aerospace project. 4-H members learn about the latest in aerospace technology as well as...
  • Project
    Led by trained educators and volunteers, the 4-H Health and Personal Safety project targets 4-H members, classroom students, and community youth with interactive and fun projects and programs....
  • ...additional 6 at-large delegates, elected by any senior level 4-H member across the state. The Texas 4-H Council members serve as ambassadors for the Texas 4-H program. Members represent the...
  • Project
    The Texas 4-H Foods & Nutrition Project empowers youth with culinary and nutrition skills to prepare nutritious foods while creating healthy eating patterns. Creating healthy eating patterns at an early...
  • Project
    ...experiences include, but are not limited to: 4-H club office Serving on committees Promoting the 4-H program to other youth Participation in county, district or state 4-H committees, councils, etc....
    5 children attending 4H Day at the Capitol
  • ...the summer at Texas 4-H Roundup. Clubs/teams are also welcome to compete in non 4-H sponsored competitions such as those hosted by FIRST, BEST, and VEX as examples. Robotics and...
  • Project
    ...activities are conducted throughout the 4-H year, based on the availability of project leaders. Senior level 4-H members have an opportunity to gain advanced subject matter knowledge while providing statewide...