Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Program
    ...the informed and capable leaders and citizens of tomorrow. With multiple opportunities in global education, public speaking, community service, and more, all youth can find a fit in Texas 4-H....
    5 children attending 4H Day at the Capitol
  • Project
    From exploring potential jobs to starting your own business, these activities will develop your skills and knowledge in career exploration. You will learn about career choices, meet future employers, and...
  • Project
    ...remember, fun and safety are the primary goals. These rules should be applied to any activity and event within 4-H Shooting Sports project. These rules take precedence over those posted...
  • Members are encouraged to keep project records and have these records reviewed annually by submitting a Texas 4-H Record Book. The primary purposes of completing a Record Book are for...
    4-H member writing in a notebook
  • Project
    ...4-H project you will learn about entomology – the study of insects. You will learn about the insect world by studying, collecting, and identifying various insects. Discover how helpful and...
  • Project
    ...In preparation for the National 4-H Forestry Invitational, you will learn the following skills: Tree identification Tree measurement Forest evaluation Compass orienteering Topographic map use Forest insect and disease identification...
    teen in a hard hat looking up at a tall tree
  • Publication
    "Dive into 4-H!" features six short, impactful, engaging lessons that are simple and adaptable for all ages. These lessons require minimal, inexpensive supply lists and can be used in multiple...
  • Publication
    Using this publication 4-H'ers can learn to research, plan, prepare, rehearse and give an effective speech. (20 pages)...
  • Project
    Did you know that swine is a fancy name for pigs? The 4-H swine project is one of the largest projects in the state and is a fun way to...
    two 4-h members feeding a pig in a pen
  • Project
    The 4-H Water Conservation & Education project explores the wonder of water and its value to humans, wildlife, and the environment. Resources and activities are designed for youth of all...
    students testing water