Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course
    Course Information Early childhood education is not an act of transferring knowledge into children's passive minds. Effective educators recognize that children must be active, engaged participants in the learning process....
  • Publication
    ...nutrition, but high levels can cause toxicity in many plant species, and low levels can lead to deficiency. This fact sheet discusses the importance of boron in plants. (9 pages)...
  • Publication
    Reseeding native plants is one of the most technically demanding land management practices in South Texas. Those planning to reseed natives need to avoid the 10 practices discussed in this...
  • Publication
    This publication explains what to expect and do after reseeding native plants in South Texas. Topics include field appearance, livestock grazing, and prescribed burning.
  • Publication
    ...Participants can easily use the interface with very little instruction, and it allows them to work with what matters most in a meeting’ Aidata, maps, and their fellow participants. (7...
  • Publication
    Duckweed and watermeal species are classified as floating aquatic plants. Floating aquatic plants are completely free-floating, where no parts of the plant (including roots) are anchored to the pond bottom....
  • Publication
    Three tables detailing treatment response of common aquatic pond plants to registered herbicides, as well as water use restrictions are also covered. Common active ingredients in herbicides are listed, along...
  • Publication
    The Texas 4-H Range Judging Contest equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully plan and direct the grazing of forage for successful and sustainable livestock production. This...
  • Program
    ...program by emphasizing best management practices. Efforts include voluntary private water well screenings and trainings so participants can better understand the relationships between practices in or near wells and the...
    Men testing water samples
  • Program
    ...Participants will spend time both in the classroom and engage in group and hands-on activities. CEUs offered will be 5 AG TDA, GCSSA education credits, TTA CPTM credits and more!...