Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication preparing the old plants immediately after the removal of the main crop. This publication discusses important factors to consider when contemplating a ratoon crop, including water stress, grain quality,...
  • Tools and Apps
    The Vegetative Annuals database is a quick tool for finding annual plants for your landscaping needs....
  • Publication
    ...and is also a serious threat to, persimmons, and pomegranate plants in the U.S. This publication outlines the distribution of alternative CMBS hosts and potential beneficial control insects. (3 Pages)...
  • ...Service, and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. These quarterly webinars are meant to promote advanced training on all things plants and get people excited about the flora of our state....
    Native Plants sign in a garden
  • Tools and Apps
    ...0.25%), labor costs ($/hour, number of workers), and plant density (plants/acre) and tap ‘Calculate’. Name the projects if you would like to access them again later. This software application is...
    man applying pesticide to brush
  • Publication
    ...color of affected turfgrass can go from orange to reddish brown to tan. The fungal disease also causes a foliar blight (or a basal rot of individual plants). (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects over 300 species of plants and causes concern and economic loss for farmers and gardeners alike. This publication discusses what causes the...
  • Publication
    Cotton fleahoppers are pests in early squaring cotton. They cause plants to lose squares (flower buds), affecting crop yield and quality. This publication explains fleahopper identification and life cycle, the...
  • Publication
    Anthracnose of roses is a fungal disease that causes spots on the leaves of infected plants. If left untreated, it can cause severe defoliation. This publication discusses the symptoms of...
  • Publication
    Phytoplasmas are a specialized group of bacteria that infect plants. The phytoplasma pathogen ‘AoCandidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’Ao causes several important diseases of stone fruits in Europe, collectively referred to as European...