Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    This 2-page publication explains what to expect and do after reseeding native plants in South Texas....
  • Publication
    The fall webworm is a common pest of trees and shrubs. This insect produces unsightly webs, and repeated infestations can damage plants. Control methods are most successful when one understands...
  • Publication
    Cotton root rot disease infects more than 2,000 plant species and causes the most severe root rot disease of crops and landscape plants in the southwestern United States. As the...
  • Publication
    Legumes are a diverse class of plants that include many species important in agronomic systems. They are grown in Texas as seed, forage, hay, cover, and green manure crops. Beyond...
  • Publication
    Although rose mosaic virus doesn't kill rose plants, it reduces vigor, shortens lifespan, stunts growth, and weakens the plant so that it cannot survive the stress of transplantation or winter...
  • Course
    ...content is posted. Suggested Texts Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants by Rex Bernardo Agricultural Experimentation: Design and Analysis by T.M. Little; F.J. Hills Molecular Plant Breeding by Yunbi Xu...
  • Publication
    This leaflet describes the fungus Entomosporium, which attacks photinia and Indian hawthorn plants. The publication describes the disease cycle and recommends cultural practices to control and treat the disease. (3...
  • Publication
    ...United States. Chilli thrips are known to infest an impressively wide range of host plants, which includes more than 225 species from at least 40 different plant families. (3 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Until grain sorghum develops an extensive root system, young plants may be unable to obtain enough ferrous iron to maintain normal growth. This publication offers strategies for avoiding, identifying, and...
  • Publication
    Wireworms feed on germinating cotton seeds and emerging seedlings, destroying the plants and reducing the crop stand and yield. In this publication you will learn about: True wireworms (click beetles)...