Search results for: “Plants Trees”

  • Publication
    Xanthomonas leaf spot of roses, a relatively new disease, has the potential to cause significant economic losses in commercial rose production. This publication discusses the cause and symptoms of the...
  • Publication
    Southern rust of corn generally appears on the lower foliage, spreading to the upper surface of leaves. Conditions such as hot temperatures and frequent rain can allow this disease to...
  • Publication
    Although algae do not infect turfgrass directly, they are highly invasive and out-compete grasses for space and nutrients. Algal scum can be a chronic problem, especially on turf with poor...
  • Publication
    Field trials and demonstrations introduce new varieties, methods, or concepts to local farmers. This publication explains how to conduct a vegetable trial, including choosing varieties to evaluate; selecting cooperating farmers;...
  • Publication
    Topics include site, soil, and water requirements, varieties, rootstock selection, orchard establishment, spacing, planting, training, first-year care, pruning, fertilization, irrigation, fruit thinning, weed control, insects, diseases, harvesting, handling, marketing, and...
  • Publication
    This publication explains how to grow blueberries in Texas. Topics include varieties, climate, soil, spacing, planting, irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weed control, pest control, diseases, and harvest. (7 pages)
  • Publication
    Stormwater wetlands are one of the best ways to clean up polluted stormwater on the Texas Gulf Coast, while also beautifying our communities. This publication reviews the major issues associated...
  • Publication
    Coastal communities prone to flooding may benefit from the implementation of green infrastructure. Green infrastructure can help mitigate the adverse effects of flood damage and promote water drainage. This publication...
  • Publication
    Las areas inundadas despues de una tormenta severa son propensas a problemas de mosquitos. Varias especies de mosquitos son un peligro para los humanos debido a las enfermedades que transmiten....
  • Publication
    Areas flooded after a severe storm are prone to mosquito problems. Several mosquito species are a danger to humans because of the diseases they transmit. This publication explains the symptoms...