Search results for: “Plants Trees”

  • Publication
    Blow flies lay their eggs on animal remains and can spread disease. To control blow flies, it is important to remove dead animals and dispose of them properly, and to...
  • Publication
    Los mosquitos y otros insectos pueden ser un problema despues de una tormenta. Los mosquitos se reproducen en areas inundadas donde hay agua estancada. Esta publicacion ofrece consejos sobre el...
  • Publication
    This publication explains how to grow Persimmons in Texas. Topics include varieties, climate, soil, spacing, planting, irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weed control, pest control, diseases, and harvest. (6 pages)
  • Publication
    Disponible solo en formato digital. Esta publicacian explica cumo cultivar el tomatillo. Se incluyen secciones sobre: variedades, tierra, clima, propagacian, siembra, insectos, enfermedades, cosecha, almacenamiento, usos....
  • Program
    Texas is home to over 520 wineries and more than 4,500 acres of vineyards — making it the fifth leading wine-producing state in the nation. Each year, the Texas wine...
    grapes growing on a vine
  • Research Institute or Center
    Vegetables and fruits are a necessity for good nutrition and health, a flavorful part of our diets and important economic products. In recognition of this importance, the Vegetable and Fruit...
    vegetables in baskets at a farm stand
  • Tools and Apps
    The Texas Urban Landscape Guide is a resource of science-based information related to the design, installation and maintenance of WaterWise landscapes for the principal plant adaptability regions in Texas. Beautiful...
  • Tools and Apps
  • Program
    The Pecan Orchard Management Short Course is the world renowned premiere educational event on how to grow pecans. This event attracts individuals from all over the world, both commercial as...
  • Program
    Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! grows good kids through an interdisciplinary program combining academic achievement, gardening, nutrient-dense food experiences, physical activity, and school & family engagement. The LGEG curriculum project...
    Children sharing bowls of fruit