Search results for: “lawn fertilization environmental impact”

  • Publication
    ...the original direct expenditure to a larger total economic output. Economic impact analysis (or economic contribution analysis) is based on the idea that a dollar spent in a region stimulates...
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    As U.S. government support to agriculture declines, understanding the economic impacts of agricultural trade and how markets and competition are affected will take on added importance for farmers, agribusinesses, policymakers,...
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    To limit the impact of a forage crisis, a rancher must be able to recognize forage shortfalls and make timely decisions for the good of the livestock and the enterprise....
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    ...pasture scenarios and applies the Financial and Risk Management (FARM) Assistance model to evaluate the economic impact a rancher may expect from using herbicides to reduce brush encroachment. (5 pages)...
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    Saltcedar is a small tree that causes major problems along rivers in the western half of Texas and throughout the U.S. Southwest. This publication explains its biology and ecological impacts,...
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    Landowners replant a pasture for many reasons such as invasive plants, drought impacts, wildlife concerns, or changes in the ranch operation. This publication uses a series of questions and examples...
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    ...all reported grass fires that spread quickly. Recent advancements in satellite and computing technology enable us to assess both the short- and long-term impacts of the fire on vegetation.(6 pages)...
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    The introduction of exotic and ornamental plant species has had a negative impact on the ecological productivity of ecosystems that are vital to native wildlife. Native plants, on the other...
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    Every Texan lives in a watershed, whether in the city or the country. Different land uses have different impacts on water quality and quantity in waterbodies throughout the state. Watershed...
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    ...economic impacts of tick-borne illness in livestock and addresses control strategies to reduce overall tick abundance. Also explained are symptoms of tick-borne illness, instructions for proper tick removal, and precautions...