Search results for: “lawn fertilization environmental impact”

  • Publication
    Interest in habitat and population management for wild turkeys has grown in recent times, as landowners, hunters, and wildlife viewers recognize their actions have direct impacts on natural resources and...
  • Publication
    ...Thicket National Preserve to determine the effects of feral hogs on native plant communities. It includes management recommendations to reduce the impact of feral hogs on these communities. (12 pages)...
  • Publication aware of the ecology of the species, its habits, potential impacts on livestock, and how to recognize the signs of vampire bat feeding and rabies in livestock. (3 pages)...
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    ...fiber is a necessity of modern agriculture. To effectively use nitrogen and to limit its adverse impact on the environment, producers need to develop an awareness of the chemistry of...
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    Hunting billbugs are an occasional turfgrass pest in Texas, though their presence and impact appear to be increasing. The grasses they damage most often include bermudagrass and zoysiagrass turf, but...
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    ...Texas, either because the climate does not support their development or the agents that cause them are absent. The impact of a disease on the crop is dependent upon the...
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    The objective for this activity is for students to understand stream flow processes, such as erosion, deposition, and formation of deltas. Also, to understand why streams meander, the impact of...
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    Ponds are nutrient sinks-a place where incoming nutrients from the watershed accumulate over time. This makes ponds the perfect place for aquatic vegetation to grow, often negatively impacting evaporation rates,...
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    Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) are becoming more prevalent across Texas. Given recent changes to real estate transaction notice requirements, a firm understanding of PIDs, their benefits, and how they impact...
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    ...known spotted lanternfly infestations should be inspected thoroughly to prevent its spread. Limiting the spread of spotted lanternfly will limit the impact on lumber, orchard, and vineyard sectors. (2 pages)...