Search results for: “lawn fertilization environmental impact”
- CourseCourse Information This course is designed to help Master Gardener and Master Naturalist volunteers as well as nursery and landscape professionals tap into the growing movement toward nature-based outdoor learning...
- PublicationWith the state's growing population and limited supply of groundwater and surface water, Texans must use water wisely. Rainwater harvesting is an approach that anyone can use to capture rainfall....
- CourseCourse Information This online course teaches you how to plan and maintain native plants. After completing this course, you can select which plants are native to your area, which equipment...
- PublicationThis Brush Busters publication is a guide to measuring the amount of product needed for mixing herbicides using percent and spray volume. (1 page)...
- PublicationMacartney rose is an invasive species that plague livestock producers from Southeast Texas to the Middle Coastal Prairie. This Brush Busters publication offers a three-step method for the control and...
- PublicationWhen contracts for the Conservation Reserve Program expire, landowners must find profitable ways to manage their properties. These management decisions affect wildlife and habitat. Former CRP land can be returned...
- PublicationAs Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts begin to expire, landowners must decide to re-enroll the land in the program, convert it back to crops or leave it in permanent cover...
- PublicationAs costs increase for fuel, fertilizer, and equipment for introduced grasses in pastures, native forages are becoming more economical for ranches. Native grasses benefit wildlife also. This publication provides guidelines...
- PublicationThis factsheet describes the three methods for establishing cool-season annual grasses: Planting into a prepared seedbed The light disking method Overseeding or sodseeding into undisturbed soil. (2 pages)...
- PublicationResearch has shown that applying soluble calcium with urea, an ammonium form of nitrogen can improve crop production. This publication reports the results of research on bermudagrass, rice, and various...