Search results for: “lawn fertilization environmental impact”

  • Publication
    Starting with cuttings instead of seeds, you can easily begin harvesting basil 2 weeks earlier as well as increase your harvest by 50 to 70 percent. This publication explains how...
  • Publication
    Wine quality includes visual cues, aroma profile, taste and mouthfeel characteristics, and overall balance. Haziness, off-colors, unpleasant aromas, bitterness, and harsh tannins can all decrease wine quality. Many of these...
  • Publication
    Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants. This publication details various methods of propagation in grapevines. (8 pages)...
  • Publication
    The addition of tannins in winemaking can provide many benefits, such as improving the clarity, taste, and texture of wines. This publication walks through the entire winemaking process, indicating what...
  • Publication
    This publication describes the importance of nitrogen’ presence in a vineyard soil. Nitrogen provides many benefits to a vineyard, often promoting the vine’ growth and vigor to produce a more...
  • Publication
    This publication serves as a guide for the usage of oak barrels in wine aging and production. Topics discussed in this guide include the differences in oak types and wood...
  • Publication
    Crapemyrtle bark scale infestations can be identified by the small, white insects present on the twigs and bark of a crapemyrtle, which cause the plant's aesthetic health to suffer. This...
  • Publication
    Aquaponics is a two-crop agricultural system consisting of: Vegetables or herbs and Fish, with each’ crop’ playing a unique role. To create maximum production, sustainability, and economic viability, the fish...
  • Publication
    Several water lily-like species are native to Texas and can be found in lakes, ponds, pools, ditches, and slow streams. Most of these species are commonly confused with one another,...
  • Publication
    Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) are voluntary practices adopted by producers to reduce the risk of contamination of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other produce. This brochure explains GAPs and offers...