Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Publication
    Livestock grazing can be an effective tool in managing wildlife habitats. This publication explains how grazing affects various wildlife species such as white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, and turkeys, and how...
  • Publication
    Managing noxious brush and weed species using herbicides can improve forage availability and enhance ranch profitability by increasing the livestock carrying capacity of native pastures. This publication takes 3 typical...
  • Publication
    ...a thorough discussion of the kinds and amounts of food and cover plants turkeys need, and methods of managing brush, water, grazing, and farming to create suitable habitat. (16 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...production, range condition, and the forage needs and preferences of different kinds of livestock. There are how-to's for defining an animal unit, and tips for managing flexible stocking rates. (6...
  • Publication
    Topics include plant growth and development, density, mechanical control, herbicide control, prescribed fire, and managing a mesquite savannah. (10 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...wildlife populations. Focus on intensive, local-scale management of upland game birds in Texas has renewed interest for private landowners in managing Rio Grande wild turkey populations and their habitat. This...
  • Publication
    The most important practice for managing Chronic Wasting Disease is to prevent the movement of prions (which cause CWD) to new areas. This 2-page publication outlines the preferred on-site and...
  • Publication
    This publication describes black bears in Texas and outlines how to recognize their presence. Included are strategies for bearproofing around your home and campsite, avoiding and managing black bear damage,...
  • Publication
    ...practices (BMPs) that are effective for managing good quail habitat, because declining habitat quality and quantity is the ultimate cause of the quail decline. Healthy quail populations-which can persist through...
  • Publication
    This publication provides background information on soybean production and marketing in Texas as well as specific guidance in selecting the best variety, preparing the soil and seedbed, fertilizing, managing pests,...