Search results for: “homeowners guide to pests of peaches plums and pecans”

  • Publication
    Symptoms of peach latent mosaic viroid are often delayed by about 2 years from the time of infection, so the disease is sometimes unrecognized. This publication explains the symptoms of...
  • Publication
    Peach stunt disease is a serious disorder that causes severe stunting of peach trees and reduces fruit yield. This publication discusses how to recognize and control the disease in peach...
  • Publication
    Bacterial spot is a serious disease that affects all stone fruit species and can influence tree vigor as well as fruit quality and yield. This publication discusses bacterial spot symptoms,...
  • Publication
    Rose rosette disease is a lethal rose disease with no known cure and is found across the state of Texas. This factsheet summarizes information from peerreviewed journal articles about the...
  • Publication
    Basil downy mildew is a severe disease caused by Peronospora belbahrii that can kill an entire crop. The earliest report of basil downy mildew in Texas was in 2010. This...
  • Publication
    Date palm lethal decline (also known as Texas Phoenix palm decline), is the only known phytoplasma-caused disease that affects palms in Texas. This fact sheet discusses the symptoms and management...
  • Publication
    Anthracnose of roses is a fungal disease that causes spots on the leaves of infected plants. If left untreated, it can cause severe defoliation. This publication discusses the symptoms of...
  • Publication
    Black spot is one of the most common and destructive diseases of roses, affecting every rose species and cultivar. This publication summarizes the disease symptoms, cause, environmental factors that favor...
  • Publication
    Botrytis blight creates devastating losses for ornamental plant and vegetable growers. On roses, the disease, also known as gray mold, is caused by the botrytis cinerea fungus. This publication explains...
  • Publication
    Cercospora leaf spots can cause premature defoliation on roses. Often mistaken for black spot disease, it is a fairly common foliar disease of roses in Texas. This publication gives an...