Search results for: “homeowners guide to pests of peaches plums and pecans”

  • Publication
    Crown gall is a bacterial disease that can be devastating for roses. This publication explains how the bacterium causes galls on roses, how to recognize disease symptoms, what environmental factors...
  • Publication
    Downy mildew can affect roses in garden settings but is especially a problem for roses grown in greenhouses and rose fields. This publication explains the cause of the disease, its...
  • Publication
    Fasciation is a rare phenomenon in more than 100 plants, including roses. It does no lasting harm and some plants are highly prized for the unique characteristics fasciation causes. This...
  • Publication
    Phytophthora root rot is one of the most common and severe root-decaying diseases worldwide and can infect trees, shrubs, and roses. On roses, the pathogen causes leaf yellowing, wilting, and...
  • Publication
    Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases of roses grown in greenhouses and in the field. Once infected, it can inflict immense damage and completely defoliate a rose...
  • Publication
    In Texas, roses in more than 20 counties have tested positive for the rose rosette virus, the viral pathogen that causes rose rosette disease. There are no known treatments and...
  • Publication
    Although rose rust is not a major rose pathogen in Texas, it can burden rose growers by diminishing flower quality. If left unchecked, it can completely defoliate and kill the...
  • Publication
    Sooty mold is a coating of dark brown to black fungal growth that makes plants look like they are covered with soot, hence the name. The fungus grows in honeydew,...
  • Publication
    Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects over 300 species of plants and causes concern and economic loss for farmers and gardeners alike. This publication discusses what causes the...
  • Publication
    Xanthomonas leaf spot of roses, a relatively new disease, has the potential to cause significant economic losses in commercial rose production. This publication discusses the cause and symptoms of the...