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  • Publication
    ...transmiten. Esta publicacion explica los sintomas del virus Zika, la fiebre del dengue, el virus chikungunya y el virus del Nilo Occidental y como protegerse de estas enfermedades. (2 Paginas)...
  • Publication
    Diseases carried by feral hogs can pose problems to humans and livestock. This publication covers several common diseases associated with feral hogs and outlines prevention measures. Diseases carried by feral...
  • Publication
    Students will be able to understand the many factors that can cause water pollution. Students will also be able to visualize how pollution affects water quality and aquatic life. This...
  • Publication
    Group Risk Plan Insurance helps producers manage risk by insuring them against widespread loss of production. The insurance is described in detail, and examples are given for various yields and...
  • Course
    Course Information Preventing odors from poultry growing operations not only makes you a good neighbor and community member, it is simply the right thing to do. Topics include: Methods for...
  • Publication
    The Rio Grande wild turkey habitat appraisal guide gives landowners and managers a standardized, systematic way to evaluate current habitat conditions. It can be used to identify limiting factors. It...
  • Publication
    If not managed properly, animal manure and process-generated wastewater can contaminate groundwater, which is the underground water that replenishes wells and springs. This publication explains the potential risks of storing...
  • Publication
    Several kinds of stinging wasps can pose health and safety threats to humans. This publication discusses the biology and characteristics of social and solitary wasps–paper wasps, yellowjackets, hornets, solitary wasps,...
  • Publication
    The horn fly is one of the most prevalent insects affecting beef cattle. This publication details various insecticide-impregnated ear tags that can be used to help decrease the presence and...
  • Publication
    This publication is a guide to finding the many resources available to help managers of small water systems in Texas. Details are provided about sources of financial assistance, tools for...