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  • Lab
    The Texas Apiary Inspection Service works to safeguard the apiary industry of Texas through the application of science-based regulations, educational opportunities and open communication with the industry....
    beekeeper holding a beehive frame
  • Tools and Apps
  • Program
    ...a written test will be given. After successfully completing the test and practicals, the student will receive a certificate of completion from the school, as well as Continuing Education Units...
  • Program increase the overall health of the apiary industry by producing highly knowledgeable beekeepers that can help lead the industry and act as honey bee ambassadors to the general public....
    beekeeper holding a beehive frame
  • Program
    Livestock veterinary entomology is the evaluation and understanding of ectoparasites that bite and feed on livestock and companion animals, thus affecting the animals’ thriftiness, behavior, and lifestyle. Insects are a...
    flies on a window screen
  • Program
    The CityBugs program provides timely and accurate information about integrated pest management in urban environments for homeowners. Topics covered include bed bugs, wheel bugs vs. kissing bugs, stinging caterpillars, mystery...
    ants swarming on bait
  • Service
    The Texas Apiary Inspection Service works to safeguard the apiary industry of Texas through the application of science-based regulations, educational opportunities and open communication with the industry.
    bees on a hive
  • Service
    The Texas Apiary Inspection Service works to safeguard the apiary industry of Texas through the application of science-based regulations, educational opportunities and open communication with the industry.
    beekeepers inspecting a hive
  • Tools and Apps
    Fire Ant Spatial Information and Decision Support System provides a synthesis of information for use in suppression of the red imported fire ant. The system stores an archive of statewide...
  • Program
    ...human health. Information is backed by science and research at Texas A&M and other universities and is made practical and relevant by AgriLife Extension Entomologists, educators and agents who work...
    Close up of a grasshopper on a stick