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  • Publication
    External parasites can transmit diseases, decrease egg production, increase feed costs and reduce weight gains in poultry. This bulletin focuses on control measures, as well as the characteristics, hosts, life...
  • Publication
    ...parks where they can benefit area residents the most. This publication defines proximity and offers ideas on how communities can ensure that all residents have convenient access to area parks....
  • Publication
    ...publication explains the effects of grazing and browsing on plants, details the indicators of overuse of the range, and lists grazing management practices that help preserve rangeland resources. (7 pages)...
  • Publication
    Like paper and plastic, some water can be recycled. This "graywater" which can be water from bathtubs and showers, clothes washing machines, and some sinks, can then be used in...
  • Publication
    Cotton production is a significant part of the agricultural sector in the Southern Ogallala Region. Annually, more than 22 percent of the cotton grown in the United States is produced...
  • Publication
    The spectacular images in this book will captivate dedicated bird watchers and amateurs alike. It features all the hummingbirds found in Texas and the southwestern United States. The author discusses...
  • Publication
    This publication is a composite of project plans....
  • Publication
    While brush can be a problem for livestock production on South Texas rangelands, brush is a necessary part of the habitat for deer. This publication describes various brush management methods...
  • Publication
    ...riesgos de contraer el virus, los sintomas de la infeccion y como mantener alejados a los mosquitos. Ordene por paquete de 25 – limite de 2 paquetes por condado en...
  • Publication
    Esta publicacion explica como determinar si se puede salvar un arbol danado por la tormenta. Si el dano no es severo, la mayoria de los arboles se recuperaran a tiempo....