Search results for: “Hi, Are You Still Single? - If you're a man over 30 you probably need this!Yeah! Click here to look inside! >>> <<< ”

  • Publication
    As Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts begin to expire, landowners must decide to re-enroll the land in the program, convert it back to crops or leave it in permanent cover...
  • Publication
    The availability of credit is critical to agricultural production. In the current tight credit situation, it is important for borrowers to understand the sources of credit and the nature of...
  • Course
    ...practice the effect and management of genotype*environment interaction computer management of a breeding program Initial studies in all these areas assume that the species being improved is a diploid or...
  • Course to submit a report to a plant disease diagnostic lab for confirmation. Then learn how to manage the disease. This course is designed for both homeowners and nursery workers....
  • Publication
    There may not be one "best" way to control fire ants, but this publication can help you find the most cost-effective and environmentally sound method for each situation. It includes...
  • Publication
    ...buds), affecting crop yield and quality. This publication explains fleahopper identification and life cycle, the damage they cause, and how to manage their impact on a cotton crop. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    When you return home after a disaster, you will want to have sturdy shoes, proper tools, clothes and medications for several days, and a first-aid kit. This publication also includes...
  • Publication
    This publication explains how diseases are transmitted and how dairy producers can establish prevention programs with proper biosecurity practices. Tables list common diseases of dairy cattle and ways they are...
  • Publication
    Anthrax occurs naturally in Texas as well as many other parts of the world where soil types and weather are favorable to it. This 3-page publication explains the conditions under...
  • Publication
    This publication is an introduction to selling a hedge. It defines a hedge and gives case examples on using this risk management tool. (4 pages)...