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  • Publication
    ...ability to select bees with desired traits, such as gentleness or good honey production. Once the package arrives, install the bees into the hive box within 1 to 2 days,...
  • Publication
    Disease may cause losses such as the death of birds, condemnation in the processing plant, medication costs. It can also cause less obvious losses like poor growth, poor feed conversion...
  • Publication
    This leaflet offers management strategies for integrating habitats to accommodate white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, and Rio Grande turkey in one wildlife enterprise. (7 pages)...
  • Publication
    Cotton production is a significant part of the agricultural sector in the Southern Ogallala Region. Annually, more than 22 percent of the cotton grown in the United States is produced...
  • Publication
    The spectacular images in this book will captivate dedicated bird watchers and amateurs alike. It features all the hummingbirds found in Texas and the southwestern United States. The author discusses...
  • Publication
    This publication is a composite of project plans....
  • Course
    ...completely preventable. This 1-hour training course addresses each of these critical topics related to caring for the youngest and most vulnerable population of children, infants and toddlers. Child care providers...
  • Publication
    This booklet contains the answers to the lesson questions in Laboratory Science & Technology. Supplement to the Veterinary Science curriculum. (34 pp, spiral bound, color cover)...
  • Publication
    The dairy industry in the Southern Ogallala Region has grown rapidly in recent years. This publication outlines the industry's contribution by exploring economic and environmental impacts related to employment, water...
  • Publication
    Sand filters are beds of granular material, or sand, drained from underneath so that pretreated wastewater can be treated, collected and distributed to a land application system. This publication explains...