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  • Course
    ...Training for the Veterinary Assistant. You do not need to purchase a book. Access to the resources will be valid from the date of purchase through July 31, 2025. There...
  • Course
    ...Training for the Veterinary Assistant. You do not need to purchase a book. Access to the resources will be valid from the date of purchase through July 31, 2025. There...
  • Publication
    When someone passes away, numerous logistics need to be taken care of regarding that person and their effects. For this reason, it's very important to have a flight plan in...
  • Publication
    ThryvOn is a cotton biotechnology trait that expresses the Mpp51Aa2 protein and provides excellent control of thrips, eliminating the need for additional insecticide inputs. Unlike other Bt proteins used in...
  • Publication
    Growing wine grapes is labor intensive. Vineyard owners need options that address a chronic labor shortage during critical growth stages. Labor has become more expensive and increasingly scarce, especially for...
  • Course
    ...competent legal advice by an attorney licensed in your state. The information provided is merely provided as general guidance. This course comes with the online version of the handbook. A...
  • Course merely provided as general guidance. This course comes with the online version of the handbook. A hard copy may be purchased by contacting Lacrecia at 806-677-5600 or emailing
  • Research Institute or Center
    The Texas Water Resources Institute, TWRI, has helped solve Texas’ water issues through research, education and outreach for 68 years. TWRI provides science-based, community-supported solutions for the state’s pressing water...
    Students in a boat at the Aquacultural Research
  • Program
    The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) provides leadership and funding for food, agricultural, natural resources, and human sciences. The agency prioritizes ensuring students from all backgrounds have an...
  • Service
    ...1990’s requiring that integrated pest management, IPM, practices be used to manage pests in and around school facilities. Both the National Research Council and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have...