Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course
    ...beds would also be considered a weed. Weed-infested landscapes are not aesthetically pleasing and can even decrease property values. Other ways that weeds injure plants or affect land use include:...
  • Course
    ...Integrated Pest Management CEU. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: recognize how aquatic vegetation becomes so problematic explain the need to manage aquatic vegetation identify practices...
  • We assist Texans with information on selecting, growing and caring for plants in greenhouses and indoor gardening settings, including potted plants and raised beds. Resources are also available on controlled...
  • Publication
    ...nutrition, but high levels can cause toxicity in many plant species, and low levels can lead to deficiency. This fact sheet discusses the importance of boron in plants. (9 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...home. They can be simple and small or large and complex. This publication discusses planning, water and water quality, fish, plants, potential problems and solutions, and complete references. (13 pages)...
  • Publication using light to moderate stocking rates, maintaining as much carryover forage as possible, knowing the costs of feeding versus de-stocking, and knowing how to manage poisonous plants. (2 pages)...
  • Program in urban environments for homeowners. Topics covered include bed bugs, wheel bugs vs. kissing bugs, stinging caterpillars, mystery bug bits, nuisance ants, carpenter ants, bed bugs and biting mites....
    ants swarming on bait
  • ...effectively plan, prepare, freeze, and cook healthy meals. Cooking Well Exploring Cultures aims to educate participants on nutrition, food safety, and healthy cooking techniques via interest in cultural cuisine. This...
    hands cutting up a red pepper
  • Program
    ...benefits. The BLT program offers in-person, virtual, and online programming options for participants of all ages. The focus areas include basic nutrition to make healthy food choices with an emphasis...
  • ...Money Smart and Common Sense Parenting each meet for two hours per week for four weeks. Before beginning a workshop, participants complete a registration process wherein they decide on goals...