Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    This 3rd edition of the Texas State Range and Pasture CDE Reference incorporates revisions and new plants approved by the Texas FFA Career Development Events Committee in 2016. (38 pp.)...
  • Publication
    Homeowners and landowners can build simple or complex systems to capture, store and use rainwater to water their landscape plants. (36 pp., 11 tables, 8 figures)
  • Publication
    This manual was created to help contractors, consultants, land owners, and others plan rainwater harvesting systems. It addresses catchments that are less than 50,000 square feet and can store less...
  • Course
    Course Information Early childhood education is not an act of transferring knowledge into children's passive minds. Effective educators recognize that children must be active, engaged participants in the learning process....
  • Publication
    Reseeding native plants is one of the most technically demanding land management practices in South Texas. Those planning to reseed natives need to avoid the 10 practices discussed in this...
  • Publication
    ...irrigation systems, mulching and mowing. There are lists of outstanding landscape plants for Texas, with native plants highlighted. This publication is a must for the serious Texas gardener. (16 pages)...
  • Publication using light to moderate stocking rates, maintaining as much carryover forage as possible, knowing the costs of feeding versus de-stocking, and knowing how to manage poisonous plants. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...home. They can be simple and small or large and complex. This publication discusses planning, water and water quality, fish, plants, potential problems and solutions, and complete references. (13 pages)...
  • Publication
    The Texas 4-H Range Judging Contest equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully plan and direct the grazing of forage for successful and sustainable livestock production. This...
  • Program
    ...Participants will spend time both in the classroom and engage in group and hands-on activities. CEUs offered will be 5 AG TDA, GCSSA education credits, TTA CPTM credits and more!...