Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    A promising strategy for commercial basil production is to propagate basil from cuttings instead of seeds. Research from Texas A&M AgriLife has found that basil plants propagated from cuttings reach...
  • Publication
    ...Participants can easily use the interface with very little instruction, and it allows them to work with what matters most in a meeting’ Aidata, maps, and their fellow participants. (7...
  • Lab
    The Texas Plant Virus Diagnostic Laboratory focuses on the diagnosis of plant viruses through the testing of plants and insect tissue samples for known and novel viral agents. The lab...
    Woman looking at plant in petri dish
  • Publication
    Phytoplasmas are a specialized group of bacteria that infect plants. The phytoplasma pathogen ‘AoCandidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’Ao causes several important diseases of stone fruits in Europe, collectively referred to as European...
  • Publication preparing the old plants immediately after the removal of the main crop. This publication discusses important factors to consider when contemplating a ratoon crop, including water stress, grain quality,...
  • Publication
    The fall webworm is a common pest of trees and shrubs. This insect produces unsightly webs, and repeated infestations can damage plants. Control methods are most successful when one understands...
  • Research Institute or Center
    ...climate change in high-quality varieties Water Management: water management strategies for plants and post-harvest processes Consumer Preferences: evaluation of consumers’ willingness to pay for specialty coffee based on taste  ...
    hand holding a glass with ground coffee
  • Publication
    ...spray method and the stem spray method for controlling saltcedar. Whichever method you choose, you should be able to control more than seven of ten saltcedar plants treated. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Range plants vary in nutritional quality. Forage quality is determined by the plant part eaten, plant age, season, soil and range sites, stocking rates, and other factors. Periods of high...
  • Publication
    Honey bees require both pollen and nectar from plants for their survival. When setting up an apiary, get to know the flowering resources in the area and when they bloom....