Search results for: “fire ants”
- PublicationAlthough peaches, plums, and blackberries are among the most commonly grown small fruits in Texas landscapes, diseases and insect pests reduce fruit production and quality and threaten the plants health....
- PublicationAnthracnose of roses is a fungal disease that causes spots on the leaves of infected plants. If left untreated, it can cause severe defoliation. This publication discusses the symptoms of...
- Tools and AppsThe Vegetative Annuals database is a quick tool for finding annual plants for your landscaping needs....
- Publication...and is also a serious threat to, persimmons, and pomegranate plants in the U.S. This publication outlines the distribution of alternative CMBS hosts and potential beneficial control insects. (3 Pages)...
- PublicationIron deficiency in grain sorghum plants can cause yellowed leaves, and in severe cases, stunted crop growth. Learn how to identify iron deficiency chlorosis and apply timely measures to remedy...
- ...Service, and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. These quarterly webinars are meant to promote advanced training on all things plants and get people excited about the flora of our state....
- Tools and Apps...0.25%), labor costs ($/hour, number of workers), and plant density (plants/acre) and tap ‘Calculate’. Name the projects if you would like to access them again later. This software application is...
- PublicationWireworms feed on germinating cotton seeds and emerging seedlings, destroying the plants and reducing the crop stand and yield. In this publication you will learn about: True wireworms (click beetles)...
- PublicationMany fruiting types of pomegranate should survive most winters throughout the central, southern, and southeastern parts of Texas. Ornamental plants can grow farther north as well. This publication explains how...
- PublicationCotton fleahoppers are pests in early squaring cotton. They cause plants to lose squares (flower buds), affecting crop yield and quality. This publication explains fleahopper identification and life cycle, the...