Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    Cotton root rot disease infects more than 2,000 plant species and causes the most severe root rot disease of crops and landscape plants in the southwestern United States. As the...
  • Publication
    ...mainly located in east Texas, across the state, blueberries are best grown in containers. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of container-grown blueberry plants and provides two recipes that...
  • Course
    ...Disease. If you suspect your roses are infected, this course will walk you through the symptoms, how to prevent the disease, and what to do if your plants are infected....
  • Publication
    Insect pests damage garden plants and can reduce yields. This publication lists the different kinds of insects that attack gardens and advises on how to recognize and limit insect damage....
  • Publication
    ...The causal fungus is soilborne and has a host range of more than 1,800 dicot plants. This disease only occurs in the Southwestern U.S. and several northern states of Mexico....
  • Publication
    Reseeding native plants is one of the most technically demanding land management practices in South Texas. Those planning to reseed natives need to avoid the 10 practices discussed in this...
  • Publication
    ...However, a new use for hemp could be as a micro-green vegetable since the plants are edible and possibly offer nutritional phytochemicals. This publication describes a sensory taste panel testing...
  • Publication
    ...United States. Chilli thrips are known to infest an impressively wide range of host plants, which includes more than 225 species from at least 40 different plant families. (3 Pages)...
  • Publication
    High tunnels are very useful for producing high value crops because they allow you to extend the growing season and protect plants against harsh environments. This publication uses a case...
  • Publication
    ...disseminating horticulture information. The Texas Master Gardener Handbook includes Earth-Kind Landscaping, ornamental plants, IPM, and much more! This book contains the complete curriculum for the Texas Master Gardener program. Seventh...