Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    Creosotebush, tambien llamado Greasewood, es un arbusto de hoja perenne que abunda y esta muy extendido en los desiertos del suroeste de Estados Unidos y el norte de Mexico. Esta...
  • Publication
    Creosotebush, also called greasewood, is an evergreen shrub that is abundant and widespread in the deserts of the southwestern USA and northern Mexico. This publication describes the plant's physical attributes...
  • Publication
    Perennial broomweed is widespread on dry ranges and deserts from California to Texas and north to Idaho. It is poisonous to cattle, sheep, goats and swine. Two methods of controlling...
  • Publication
    Western horse nettle is a weedy perennial in the nightshade family. Ranchers need to control it with herbicides to prevent livestock from ingesting poison that the weed produces. This publication...
  • Publication
    Coyotillo is a toxic plant that has poisoned people, cattle, sheep, goats, guinea pigs, horses, swine, and chickens. This publication describes the plant, lists symptoms of livestock poisoning, and discusses...
  • Publication determining application rates and costs for herbicides, insecticides, and adjuvants (surfactants) commonly used in the management of pastures and hayfields. (3 Pages) Download the Excel spreadsheet here: "Herbicide and...
  • Publication
    Publication Information There's a time-saving secret behind achieving a beautiful, lush lawn. Landscape professionals know what it is, but many homeowners don't. Overseeding-a key part of an effective lawn care...
  • Publication
    This 2-page quick reference guide for common rangeland and pasture herbicides includes information on active ingredients, trade names, grazing restrictions, hay harvest restrictions, and rainfast intervals. Each entry indicates whether...
  • Publication
    Tables in this publication list weeds that commonly infest grain sorghum, the products that control them, and details about spray volume and timing. There are also instructions for sprayer calibration....
  • Publication
    A three-phase perennial weed control program is detailed in this publication. This publication also includes a chart with chemical suggestions for controlling specific weeds. (6 pages)...