Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    A three-phase perennial weed control program is detailed in this publication. This publication also includes a chart with chemical suggestions for controlling specific weeds. (6 pages)...
  • Program
    Time sensitive information on pest management (insect, weed, disease) news is delivered weekly during the crop production season by four clusters of IPM Agents covering most of Texas. Audio is...
    Tractor applying pesticide to crops in a field
  • Course
    Course Information Getting started After you complete the registration process, you will receive an email with a link to your course where you can access the course introduction. Participants will...
  • Program
    ...different ways to cook prep and onions, as well as tips for growing them too. Recipe samples and special onion transplants included with the program. Grow It Cook It Onions...
    A picture of big onion in a man's hand.
  • Program
    Aggie Horticulture began serving gardening and horticultural crop production information in October 1994 with factsheets, guides and databases are based on years of testing and practice. More than 50 teachers,...
    Skip Richter training a squash vine up a trellis
  • Lab
    The Texas AgriLife Extension Service Aquatic Diagnostics Laboratory (ADL) is housed in the Department of Wildlife & Fisheries at Texas A&M University. The laboratory was established in 2013 and provides...
    Hand holding a water plant
  • Publication
    This Excel file has several spreadsheets that are designed to provide tools to aid in determining application rates and costs for herbicides, insecticides, and adjuvants (surfactants) commonly used in the...
  • Publication
    This guide was developed for professional turfgrass managers, county Extension agents, and others who maintain athletic, golf course, landscape, recreational, or utility turfgrasses. Resources include Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service...
  • Publication
    This Bermudagrass lawn management calendar details relevant aspects of selection, mowing, irrigation, fertilization, weed and insect control, and aeration. The document includes a month-by-month lawn care calendar indexed to in-depth...
  • Publication
    Turfgrass on athletic fields needs to meet several requirements. It needs to be able to withstand heavy traffic, recover quickly, and be aesthetically pleasing. Bermudagrass provides an excellent option for...