Search results for: “fire ants”
- PublicationSoil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’ power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds in the soil. This publication explains how home gardeners...
- PublicationThis 2-page quick reference guide for common rangeland and pasture herbicides includes information on active ingredients, trade names, grazing restrictions, hay harvest restrictions, and rainfast intervals. Each entry indicates whether...
- PublicationBermudagrasses are widely used for sports field playing surfaces in transition zones and southern climates. To maintain high-quality and visually-appealing playing surfaces during the dormant season, sports fields are often...
- PublicationThis publication explains a safe, effective, four-step method for calibrating herbicide sprayers. (2 pages)...
- PublicationThis publication explains the steps to take in an IPM program and the importance of calibrating equipment and making proper calculations when pesticides need to be applied. (4 pp., 4...
- PublicationThe Weed, Insect, and Disease Control in Turfgrass guide is a comprehensive resource for understanding and selecting herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides for use in turfgrasses. This guide includes information on...
- PublicationTables in this publication list weeds that commonly infest grain sorghum, the products that control them, and details about spray volume and timing. There are also instructions for sprayer calibration....
- PublicationIt can be difficult for homeowners to differentiate between herbicide products available to them. This publication was created as an overview of several active ingredients commonly found in widely-available herbicides...
- Publication...natural precipitation to soak into the soil and be taken up by plant roots. Many plants can help filter pollutants before water enters storm drains and eventually watersheds. (2 Pages)...
- PublicationCreosotebush, tambien llamado Greasewood, es un arbusto de hoja perenne que abunda y esta muy extendido en los desiertos del suroeste de Estados Unidos y el norte de Mexico. Esta...