Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication
    ...understand the labeling guidelines, licensing requirements, and production and processing methods that must be followed before honey can be sold to consumers. Who this is for New and experienced honey...
  • Publication product. Practical guidelines are offered for winemakers to optimize nitrogen use across various wine styles, sugar concentrations, and fermentation conditions. Who is this for? * Winemakers and fermentation specialists...
  • Publication
    ...while stretching your food dollars further. Our easy-to-follow guide will help you: Extend Your Pantry's Shelf Life: Discover the benefits of food preservation and make the most of your ingredients....
  • Publication
    This 4-page publication if for new grape growers and provides a guide for establishing a vineyard in Texas....
  • Publication
    150 targeted questions to prepare your students for Veterinary Science success. Give your students the confidence to be well-prepared with our expertly crafted guide with test questions and answers for...
  • Publication
    ...removal of the main crop. This publication discusses important factors to consider when contemplating a ratoon crop, including water stress, grain quality, insect problems, bird problems, and marketing. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    Bt corn was introduced over two decades ago and is now widely planted across the United States. This fact sheet outlines Bt (transgenic) corn Insect Resistance Management strategies and requirements...
  • Publication
    Mexican honey wasps range from Texas to Nicaragua. They are social insects that build paper nests in the canopies of trees and shrubs. This publication explains the physical and cultural...
  • Publication
    ...and kill other insects in the areas they invade. This tri-fold brochure explains how to identify tawny crazy ants, their biology and behavior, and what individuals can do to help...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...